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We serve every aspect of your financial needs

Our financial planning services offer a holistic, end-to-end approach to help clients achieve their financial goals. Our team provides non-biased guidance to ensure that clients receive the best possible advice for their unique financial situation. Our solutions are designed to be Shariah-compliant, reflecting the values and principles of Islamic finance. With our comprehensive approach, clients can be confident that their financial planning needs are being addressed in a thorough and ethical manner, from start to finish.


Holistic Financial Planning

Financial planning services aim to help individuals or businesses manage their finances effectively by developing and implementing a comprehensive financial plan. A financial plan typically covers several aspects of personal finance, such as cashflow and net worth management, budgeting, setting financial goals, risk and takaful planning, emergency funds, investment portfolio management, retirement planning, zakat and tax planning, children's education plan, debt management, and estate planning. By taking a holistic approach to financial planning, these services help clients make informed decisions, minimize financial risks, and achieve their long-term financial goals.


Investment Planning & Portfolio Management

Investment planning and portfolio management are interrelated concepts that involve creating a customized investment strategy and managing an investment portfolio to achieve the client's financial goals. Investment planning involves creating a client-centric solution that suits their resources and covers short, medium, and long-term plans using a holistic approach. Portfolio management is the ongoing process of implementing and adjusting the investment plan to achieve optimal returns while managing risk. This involves a dynamic strategy that takes into account market conditions, economic trends, and the client's changing circumstances. By regularly monitoring the portfolio and making adjustments as needed, the portfolio manager can help the client achieve their financial objectives while minimizing risk.


Children Education

A children education plan is a financial plan designed to help parents or guardians save for their child's education, from primary school to higher education. The plan takes into account the age of the child and the cost of education inflation, which is the rate at which education costs increase over time. The education plan also considers the current financial resources of the parents or guardians and their ability to contribute to the plan regularly. It may involve investing in various education savings plans or setting up a dedicated investment account to fund the child's education. By having a children education plan, parents or guardians can ensure that they have adequate financial resources to support their child's education and minimize the burden of education costs on the family's finances. The plan helps to create a structured approach to save for education expenses and provides financial security for the child's future.


Cashflow & Networth Analysis

Cashflow and net worth analysis services help individuals or businesses understand their financial situation by analyzing their income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. By conducting a thorough analysis, these services help clients identify areas where they can reduce expenses or increase income, as well as assess their overall financial health. Financial ratios are often calculated to provide insights into the financial performance of the individual or business. The resulting analysis serves as a baseline for financial planning purposes, helping clients develop strategies to improve their financial standing and achieve their financial goals. Overall, cashflow and net worth analysis services provide valuable information for making informed financial decisions and improving financial stability.


Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is the process of determining the financial resources required to support an individual's lifestyle after they retire. It involves assessing the current financial state and available resources, such as savings, investments, and retirement accounts, to determine the amount of money needed to maintain the desired lifestyle. The plan also takes into account future needs, such as healthcare expenses and long-term care costs. Retirement planning is crucial to ensure that individuals can meet their financial goals and have enough savings to support themselves after they retire. The plan is based on an individual's current financial state, available financial resources, and expected future needs, and may involve making adjustments to their savings and investment strategies to achieve their retirement objectives.


Debt Review
& Management

Debt review and management is the process of evaluating an individual's existing financial resources, including their income and assets, to develop a comprehensive strategy for managing debt. This strategy includes an evaluation of good debt, such as mortgages and student loans, and bad debt, such as high-interest credit cards. A key aspect of debt review and management is creating a debt management strategy that is tailored to the individual's specific financial goals. This strategy may involve developing a budget, negotiating with creditors, consolidating debt, or seeking professional debt counseling. By taking a comprehensive approach to debt management, individuals can gain greater control over their finances, reduce stress and anxiety, and work towards achieving their financial goals. Debt review and management can be particularly helpful for individuals struggling to manage multiple debts or those looking to improve their overall financial health. With a well-designed debt management strategy in place, individuals can begin to take practical steps towards reducing debt and building a stronger financial future.


Risk Management & Takaful Planning

Risk and takaful planning services aim to help individuals or businesses assess and manage the financial risks that could negatively impact their income and wealth. These services often begin with a risk assessment, which identifies potential risks and evaluates their potential impact on the client's financial stability. Based on this assessment, the service provider recommends suitable risk management strategies to protect the client's income and wealth. One such strategy is takaful, which is an Islamic insurance concept that allows individuals or businesses to pool their resources to protect themselves against potential losses. Takaful plans provide benefits and financial protection to the policyholder, their family, and dependents in the event of an unforeseen circumstance or loss. Overall, risk and takaful planning services help clients safeguard their income and wealth and ensure the financial wellbeing of their family and dependents.


Zakat & Tax Planning

Zakat and tax planning are two distinct concepts that involve financial planning and management in different contexts. Zakat is an Islamic obligation for Muslims to donate a portion of their wealth to charity to help those in need. Tax planning, on the other hand, is the process of optimizing tax liability by making strategic financial decisions. While zakat and tax planning have different objectives, they share common themes. Both involve balancing public responsibility and financial obligations. Zakat helps to purify wealth and promote social welfare, while tax planning helps individuals and businesses meet their financial obligations while minimizing tax liability. Both zakat and tax planning can contribute to the prosperity of a nation by promoting efficient spending and investment. Ultimately, zakat and tax planning involve careful consideration of financial resources and responsible management to achieve personal, social, and financial goals. The principles of both zakat and tax planning can be applied to create a balanced and sustainable financial plan.


Legacy & Estate

Islamic legacy planning and estate planning are financial planning strategies that take into account the Islamic principles of inheritance and charitable giving. Faraid is the Islamic law of inheritance that governs the distribution of an individual's assets after their death. It outlines how assets should be distributed among heirs, based on their degree of relationship to the deceased. Hibah is a voluntary gift given during one's lifetime, which can be used to transfer wealth to loved ones or charitable organizations. It is a way to give without the restrictions of faraid. Waqf is a form of charitable endowment, where assets are set aside for a specific purpose or organization. Waqf can be used for charitable giving or to provide for the needs of the community. Islamic legacy planning and estate planning take into account these principles to create a financial plan that is in line with Islamic beliefs and values. The client's intention is also an important consideration, as the plan is designed to meet the individual's specific needs and goals. By incorporating Islamic principles into legacy planning and estate planning, individuals can ensure that their assets are distributed in a way that is consistent with their values and beliefs. This can provide peace of mind and help create a lasting impact that benefits future generations.

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